Your search for inelco grinders Ultima-Tig Tungsten Grinders stockists provided 2 Results, to refine these results select an option from the refine section below or to the right of the screen.
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inelco grinders Ultima-Tig Tungsten Grinders
The Ultimate in Tungsten Grinding Technology
Long lasting Diamond Super Abrasive grinding disc
Eco friendly collection of toxic dust particles
Fully enclosed Grinding chamber means there is no dust exposure to the operator thus eliminating the need for extraction
Perfect grinding for accurate angles
A combined electrode length gauge and locking device, ensuring minimal removal of electrode during grinding(0.3mm)
Polished angle surface for improved arc striking and arc stability
Longer electrode life between regrinds
Ergonomic design and easy to use
Capable of grinding electrodes up to 4mm
Can grind electrodes as short as 8mm in length (special electrode clamp required)
Available in 110 Volt or 230 Volt
Powerful 380W motor producing 8500 RPM.